Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fishbowl Inventory Control Solution Research Paper - 1

Fishbowl Inventory Control Solution - Research Paper Example Additionally, it requires setting up the users, customizing the reports, and integrating the QuickBooks with the other applications used by the third parties to align the industry with its particular needs. During the testing process, there will be a utilization of use cases to ensure that there exists maximal functionality of the system. Such cases include the Log on and the Shut down among others. The purpose of the cases is to facilitate communication among the users, understand various requirements, and provide the prototype test cases. User involvement is vital to the testing and implementation of the technology into the company. For maximum participation among the users, it is paramount to involve them as early as the development of the cases starts. The situation will enhance their understanding and minimize time wastage when dealing with the clients. In this case, the immediate program manager will sign off to ascertain the testing of this novel technology. The company needs a development and a production environment since it is an emerging business. However, with time, there is a need to involve such an environment. In this context, the company employees are few, meaning that all of them require training to maximize the available resources. Further, training all the employees will ensure that they acquire the much-needed skills to help one another in the delivery of the company services. However, there will be an emphasis on those that interact with the technology on a daily basis. The training will commence mid the next week on Wednesday the 24 2015 at the company’s boardroom. During the training, special applications will be of help to guarantee an adequate training the acquisition of the technical skills that require an emphasis (Sun-Mee & Munoz, 2014). For instance, the distinct applications intended for use include; customized videos and consultant training sessions.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20 (when the pregnancy ends). A pregnancy can take place as early as two weeks before menarche (the first menstrual period), which signals the possibility of fertility, but usually occurs after menarche. In healthy, well-nourished girls, menarche normally takes place around the ages 12 or 13. Whether the onset of biological fertility will result in a teenage pregnancy depends on a number of personal and societal factors. Teenage pregnancy rates vary between countries because of differences in levels of sexual activity, general sex education provided and access to affordable contraceptive options. Worldwide, teenage pregnancy rates range from 143 per 1000 in some sub Saharan African countries to 2.9 per 1000 in South Korea. Pregnant teenagers face many of the same obstetrics issues as women in their 20s and 30s. There are however, additional medical concerns for mothers younger than 15. For mothers between 15 and 19, risks are associated more with socioeconomic factors than with the biological effects of age. However, research has shown that the risk of low birth weight is connected to the biological age itself, as it was observed in teen births even after controlling for other risk factors (such as utilisation of antenatal care etc.). In developed countries, teenage pregnancies are associated with many social issues, including lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty, and other poorer life outcomes in children of teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social stigma in many communities and cultures. Many studies and campaigns have attempted to uncover the causes and limit the numbers of teenage pregnancies. Among OECD developed countries, the United States, United Kingdom and New Zealand have the highest level of teenage pregnancy, while Japan and South Korea have the lowest in 2001. The latest data from the United States shows that the states with the highest teenage birthrate are Mississippi, New Mexico and Arkansas while the states with the lowest teenage birthrate are New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Vermont.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

High Tech Cheating :: Academic Dishonesty Ethics

Academic misconduct is notion that encompasses multiple forms of academic deviance from cheating on a test and plagiarism to inappropriate collaboration. In today’s society, education is the key to every door; everyone needs it and will go by any means to obtain it. Furthermore, with advancements in technology and the internet, cheating for today’s aspiring student has become more accessible, portable and it has completely desensitized the concept of academic integrity. With this ever growing problem, educators are struggling to combat this academic deviance. In an effort to combat the use of technology to cheat in academia, teachers have pursued multiple avenues of prevention. One such method involves the direct banning of electronics in the classroom. A student caught even possessing such a device is accordingly punished. This method prevents the immediate use of cell phones, PDAs, music players, and other portable devices, but does not necessarily address such issues as plagiarism. Another method is to limit the accessibility to external networks such as the internet. If a student can’t access the World Wide [spelling error -- the preceding two words should be spelled as one word] Web from within the classroom, he or she is less capable of obtaining information posted online. The major problem with this approach is that some communication devices, such as cell phones, don’t require wireless access. Access to cell phone towers can sometimes be just as accommodating as the internet to a student during an exam. Yet another method utilized ["utilize" is an over-used word and has become hackneyed and a clichà ©. Use it only to mean "make good use of," as in "Many teachers utilize computers for instruction." For all other cases, prefer "use." ] by some educators to combat cheating using technology is to embrace technology in helping to monitor the activity of students during testing. One such professor went so far as to have the students use their PDA’s for quizzes. The catch was that the students had to use the same PDA’s they used throughout the semester and were required to log onto the course web site using an authentication code allowing them to take the test from the proper classroom at the proper time (Read, 2004, p. 3). In any method, the end result [Word use: these two words are redundant (one is either the same as the other or contained in it); eliminate the first with no change in meaning.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

End of Life Care: Family Health Essay

In nursing, the goal of care is usually to restore the patient back to the highest level of health possible. In some cases, however, the goals of care change when a curative approach is no longer appropriate. The new goals of care could simply be palliation and pain control rather than a restoration back to full health. This type of care is called palliative care. Palliative care is not the same as end-of-life care, but the two go hand-in-hand at times. The goal of end-of-life care is a â€Å"good† death, good being defined by the patient. Palliation is part of that â€Å"good† death. Both palliative care and end-of-life care are areas of patient care that can be highly sensitive for those involved. A nurse must be able to navigate these waters carefully. The physically and mentally exhaustive nature of illness and dying takes a huge toll on the patient and his/her family. Anyone can qualify for palliative or end-of-life care regardless of race, gender, age, or any othe r demographic factors. It simply depends on the disease-state, the recommendations of the health care providers, and the goals of the patient. It is estimated that 69%-82% of those who die in high income countries such as the United States will need palliative care (Murtagh, Bausewein, Verne, Groeneveld, Kaloki, & Higginson, 2013), illustrating the need for nurses to familiarize themselves with this type of care. One concern voiced by many nurses is a not knowing what to do or say during end-of-life care (Sherwen, 2014). In the case of cancer, in particular, which has become more of a long-term illness, nurses feel uncomfortable and may miss opportunities in patient care (Sherwen, 2014). The following will be a discussion of palliative/end-of-life care and what the nurse can do to help the family and patient during a difficult time. A successful case is one in which the patient and his/her family feel supported and listened to throughout the whole process and the goals of the patient are achieved. Discussion When does palliative care begin? When does end-of-life care begin? These are questions that can only be answered by the individual going through the disease process and the team of caregivers advising him/her. A simple answer to both questions would be this: when the goals of care change from full restoration to health to comfort, relief of symptoms, and maintaining as high a quality of life as possible given the disease-state. Palliative care has a broader definition in that it focuses mainly on the patient’s comfort and can be applied to many other cases besides the imminently dying patient. The original development of palliative care was primarily for patients with cancer, in which there may not be a cure, but symptom management and prevention of progression of the disease is the primary goal (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson, 2015, p. 278). It has since branched out to other illnesses with poor prognosis but long disease-course; it really depends on the care team and the individual as to when it is implemented. End-of-life care, on the other hand, is a series of decisions made by the family when death is imminent (projected in the next days to months). They must decide how much medical intervention they want done with their family member, where the â€Å"ideal† death would occur (in their home vs. in a facility), and what their definition of a â€Å"good† death would be. Every case is different and there is not always time to plan everything, but this is a general outline. Before approaching any new area of nursing, a nurse must assess his/her own personal beliefs and for the presence of any biases about death and illness. It may be that the nurse has never encountered death and dying face-to-face and may hold pre-conceived notions that may not be in harmony with the patient’s beliefs. Identifying these biases and correcting them is crucial to taking care of the patient. While it is not wise or possible to separate one’s own person from one’ person as a nurse, it is better to find ways to help the patient through the process without burdening them with your own beliefs. Dying is a process that involves the entire family; that is to say, the family that is defined by the person. The nurse must be aware that this is  not only an individual process but a family process. This involves recognizing family dynamics and communication patterns and facilitating healthy interactions. Kaakinen et al (2015) discusses the two types of health care teams that will be involved in the patient’s care: multiprofessional and interprofessional. The multiprofessional model is an older model that does not focus on holistic care. Care is fragmented with an autocratic leader, vertical communication, separate goals of the professionals involved, and families are peripheral to the process (Kaakinen et al., 2015). The preferred model is the interprofessional model emphasizing a team approach, holistic care of the patient, horizontal communication, and involvement of the family (Kaakinen et al., 2015). The nurse should keep this collaborative approach in mind when dealing with any patient case, involving all teams associated with the patient for the best outcome. It is important to remember that care of the patient does not end when the patient dies. After the death there is still work to be done in the form of comforting the bereaved family members. It has been reported that some families feel â€Å"abandoned† after the death of a loved one by the hospital staff and this simply should not be so (Kaakinen et al., 2015). The nurse’s role after death involves simply a comforting presence, providing resources, answering questions, and listening to concerns. It may also be helpful to give the family information about what to expect next, what information is needed from them (funeral home arrangements, organ donation, etc.), and provide a place for them to rest and process. The relationship the nurse has with the patient is integral to positive patient outcomes. Ways that a nurse can improve this relationship include being professional, being sensitive, listening, and establishing trust. The nurse needs to be able to communicate and be communicated with clearly and easily. This will be a challenge for some families who already have poor communication skills. Asking questions and taking time to listen go a long way in opening up communication. It is of benefit to the nurse to try and center his/her thinking on what the dying patient’s goals are. A dying person wants to feel some semblance of control, strengthen personal relationships, and be relieved of pain and suffering. Good end-of-life care involves finding these goals, describing to the patient what good end-of-life care might look like, talk about symptoms that may occur, and discuss the importance of good communication, good relationships, and the role of informal (family) caregivers (Sherwen, 2014, p. 51). When palliative care and end-of-life care are the direction care is taking, the nurse needs to shift gears in a positive way. One positive step the nurse can take is to empower the family during this time. Many families feel helpless against the diagnosis, but the nurse can show them that they still have an element of control. The nurse should provide them with information about the disease process, give the family resources in the community for support and services, and most of all offer encouragement. There will be negative feelings present in most cases, including feelings of hopelessness, depression, anxiety, and loss of control. The nurse must recognize these negative feelings and start a conversation. The nurse needs to be a facilitator of conversation between family members in order to identify common goals. Family meetings are a great tool to utilize throughout. It is held between caregivers and leaders in the family and can reveal concerns, answer questions, and establish go als of care. Parts of positively dealing with a dying loved one include balancing hope and preparing for death, as well as finding meaning in the situation (Kaakinen et al., 2015). These are things that may be beyond the scope of the nurse’s practice, but identifying them is important. The nurse can bring in social work, the palliative care team, and pastoral care to assist the family; whatever is appropriate. When the time comes for the actual death of the patient, there are clinical signs and symptoms that the nurse must recognize. Care at the time of active dying is crucial for a good death. Some symptoms such as sleeping, decreased hydration and food needs may be easy for the family to bear, but  others, such as restlessness, difficulty breathing, and confusion may be very difficult to bear (Kaakinen et al., 2015). The nurse and care team must work together to provide maximum comfort for the patient as well as emotional support for the family during this difficult time. Conclusion In conclusion, there is a point in a patient’s care where the focus shifts from curative to palliative, often in the case of cancers but in some other cases as well. The nurse needs to familiarize his/herself with this topic in order to provide optimal care. He/she must assess his/her beliefs and biases on the topic and address those that may be a source of conflict. The goals of the patient and his/her family must be established. Family meetings and conversations need to occur to facilitate communication, address concerns, and provide information. The nurse plays an important role in providing information for the family, managing negative feelings, encouraging hope, and preparing for the death. At the end-of-life and after the actual death the nurse can provide compassionate care, display sensitivity, and comfort the bereaved. Death is the inevitable outcome of this life that all must face and a nurse has a special opportunity to help a family through the process. Helping and comforting a family during this process can be a truly rewarding aspect of a nurse’s career. Reference Kaakinen, J., Coehlo, D., Steele, R., Tabacco, A., Hanson, S. (2015). Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research. (5th ed.). Philadelphia PA: F.A. Davis Company Murtagh, F., Bausewein, C., Verne, J., Groeneveld, E., Kaloki, Y., & Higginson, I. (2013). How many people need palliative care? A study developing and comparing methods for population-based estimates. Palliative Medicine. 28(1). 49-58. Doi:10.1177/0269216313489367 ***Sherwen, E. (2014). Improving end of life care for adults. Nursing Standard, 28(32), 51-57. Trueland, J. (2014). All it takes is a bit of specialist knowledge. Nursing Standard, 29(3), 26-27. ***Research Article

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cslrm Computerized Cashiering System

INTRODUCTION : INTRODUCTION Deals in all the requirements needed for managing the library. Process of maintaining data about books, transactions such as issue and return. The user need not visit the library every time to find an item; instead, he/she can search items from his/her own PC/laptop Slide 3: Transaction taking place in the library Study Objective : Study Objective Changing the present library management system of Shoolini University to Online LiMS. To reach the objective of efficient learning and studying in the University. To keep online record of the transactions and utilize human resources in an efficient and matured way.System Study : System Study Present Library System : Present Library System The library is managed by the librarian accompanied with 4 to 5 members’ staff. Library cards to the students as well as the teacher. Issue of the book done by the staff member of the library through the library card. Record of the transactions of books is maintained in w ritten and kept with the librarian. Drawbacks of present system : Drawbacks of present system Provides the facility of books only during the working hours of the University. The record keeping can create problems while maintaining.Record of the receipt of the new books is kept in written which can create problem in handling it. Workload to the staff members and no use of human resources. Proposed SystEm(eLibrary) : Proposed SystEm(eLibrary) A person should be able to: login to the system through the first page of the application. see the status of the books/journals borrowed/reserved. search for a particular book/journal. cancel the reservation made earlier for a particular book/journal Automatic mails should be sent to the users about the expiry of due dates for the books/journals borrowed by them.Login of the member : Issue of the books : Return of the books : Advantages of the Online LiMS : Advantages of the Online LiMS A 24-hour library management. Students according to their ne eds get the books issued and in case they are unable to return the book, they can immediately extend the date of return. Maintenance of the books becomes easy for the staff. The transactions are maintained online. Students as well as teachers can search for any book, magazine, Journal, member etc. Overview of the system : Overview of the system Must be introduced with :Must be introduced with Logon Capabilities: The system shall provide the users with logon capabilities. Mobile Devices The Online Library System is also supported on mobile devices such as cell phones. Alerts The system can alert the Librarian or the administrator in case of any problems. METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES USED : METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES USED Various methods used for making the project are: Microsoft Office Word : – For report making Microsoft Office PowerPoint : – For making the presentation Internet Explorer : – For gathering information Questionnaires I.For Teachers II. For Students The main aim of the project is the management of the database of the pharmaceutical shop. This is done by creating a database of the available medicines in the shop. The database is then connected to the main program by using interconnection of the Visual Basic program and the database already created. This program can be used in any pharmaceutical shops having a database to maintain. The software used can generate reports, as per the user's requirements. The software can print invoices, bills, receipts etc.It can also maintain the record of supplies sent in by the supplier CASHIERING AND STUDENT ACCOUNT SYSTEM Colegio de San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila is currently using a manual way of recording, computing and storing the accounts of the students. The basic information of the student which includes the name, address course and year is written in the green form as well as the subjects that the students is going to enroll and the total assessment for the tuition fees. The cashier will copy t he name of the student, the course and year and the current school year and the total assessment and the initial payment to the index card.Before the student can take the examinations, the student needs to acquire examination permit from the cashier. To acquire examination permit, the student will have to pay his/her tuition fee every grading period. Paying the tuition fee is a burden both the students and the cashier due to the current manual system. The cashier will have to look the index card where the account of the student is written. Since it written in the index card, it takes lots of take to get the record of a particular student.Once the cashier found the index card, the cashier will write the payment received from the students to update the account. This is done using a calculator. Using manual computation sometimes causes an error. At the end of the day, the cashier will have to make a list and summary of the total collection of tuition fees. This is another difficult tas k to handle using manual system especially if there as lots of transactions that needs to be summarized. The summary of the collection will be submitted to the admin for verification.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beloved Adenuga Essays (1159 words) - Economy, Unemployment, World

Beloved Adenuga Essays (1159 words) - Economy, Unemployment, World Beloved Adenuga Professor Seifert ENGW 102 sec 10 13 September,2017 Unemployment of Graduates in Nigeria Nigeria is currently faced with a lot of problems which includes but not limited to Boko Haram insurgencies in the northern part of Nigeria, poor infrastructures, unemployment, bad road s , irregular power supplies , inadequate health system s , environmental pollution s , disunity as some are fighting for a division of Nigeria into two separate countries-Biafra war. These problems are so numerous that it will take years of collective effort s on the part of individual Nigerians to br ing this country into actualization as the giant of Africa. However, t his research will focus majorly on the issue of graduate u nemploy ment in Nigeria. It will answer the questions about the causes, effect s and solution s to this problem . The cause s of Graduate unemployment include corruption of political office holders, lack of investments in industrialization and inadequ ate job skill s of most graduates due to the poor educational system in Nigeria. Unemployment has majorly led to increased crime rate , prostitution and poverty. Unemployment also has psychological effects on the unemployed such as depression, low self-esteem and increased stress level. To solve this problem , there needs to be improvement in the quality of education at tertiary institutions to enable students to acquire the skills needed to make them employable , government policies should be made to encourage foreign investors and to favor the growth of small scale companies. There should also be enforcement of laws against corruption to prevent embezzlement of funds by government officials. To emphasis the need for the research on this topic, it is important to get an insight into the current trend of graduate unemployment in Nigeria. The graduate unemployment r ate in Nigeria increases exponential as about 200,000 people graduate from tertiary institutions yearly with no job opportunities available for them. The massive number of these graduates get compounded over time. In other words, majority of people that graduate in a year end up not get employed therefore adding to the number of unemployed graduates from previous years. This is proven by the usual massive turnout of graduates whenever there are little job opportunities available. Since the number of applicants for a job is massive, it makes it difficult to select people that are well qualif ied for the job. Employees are then forced to look beyond qualifications and employ people based on favoritism. Due to frustration, graduates take jobs that pay below their qualificatio ns or not even related to their field of study just to earn a living . That is, graduates that are meant to be working in factories, hospitals, business enterprises are found working in stores, in elementary schoo ls or doing other low pay jobs. In other cases, some graduates engage in criminal ac tivities and i llegal activities to make money majorly robbery, online scam, prostitution and drug trafficking. There are various factors that cause the m assive unemployment in Nigeria. This research will help answer the question: What are the causes of unemployment in Nigeria? It is very important to know the root of this problem because it will help makes the solution easy. One major cause of unemployment is the corruption of the government. The government embezzle funds and resources that are meant to create more job opportunities . Instead of investing m oney into building industries that will employ thousands of people, government officials prefer to use that money for personal enri chment. To reduce corruption the Economic and Financial crime commission(EFCC) in Nigeria must be strengthened and strict punishment should to given to political officers that are found guilty. In the research paper other causes as listed in the thesis will be discussed and solutions will be given to each of them. Unemployment has made the youth s to think of dubious and negative ways to make money. There is a term referred to as "419" in Nigeria, this is a corrupt practice in which the victim is convinced to give mo ney to a stranger. Unemployed young men usually engage in this practice to extort money from ladies overseas by disguising to be

Monday, October 21, 2019

Merits and Demerits of Police Identification Essay Example

Merits and Demerits of Police Identification Essay Example Merits and Demerits of Police Identification Essay Merits and Demerits of Police Identification Essay ?Discuss any four types of police identification parade emphasizing on their respective merits and short comings. Police identification parade can be referred to as a situation whereby suspects believed to have committed a crime are presented or lined-up for witnesses to identify if indeed the one or group of persons who committed the crime is amongst the line-up. This method is used inorder to help the police confirm if indeed suspect did commit the crime. There are several ways in which police identification parades can be conducted. Depending on the type of situation and resources available for use; be it human or technological will most preferably assist the police on what methods to put in (type of identification parade). When police forces are carrying out their functions, they also have a duty to have regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and to take steps to foster good relations. The main focus of my study is to address only four of these identification parades and analyze into detail their main objectives and discuss their merits and where they fall short. Some of the identification parades we know of may weigh in different levels with regards to effectiveness. Others are judged to be more effective whiles some others are least effective. In this code, identification by an eye-witness arises when a witness who has seen the offender committing the crime and is given an opportunity to identify a person suspected of involvement in the offence in a video identification or similar procedure. From a legal point of view the question that an identification parade attempts to answer is whether the suspect is in fact the culprit. First of all, I would like to discuss about the ‘video identification’. With this method, suspects are kept in a confined area or room under a surveillance camera. A ‘video identification’ is when the witness is shown moving images of a known suspect, together with similar images of others who resemble the suspect. Sometimes in absence of the videos photographs of assumed suspects are shown to the witness to help identify the culprit. Even though it is sometimes useful, it is not the best since it shows still-life images which shows only one sided angle on the view of things and thereby makes it difficult for identification. The video is more advantageous in suspect identification because since there are moving images and gives different angles on the view of things. Examples are; the different kinds of expressions and mood swings exhibited by, the witness can easily identify the suspect if indeed he o she is part. These eye-witness identification procedures are designed to test an eye witness’ ability to identify suspects and to provide safeguards against mistaken identity. Secondly, the identification parade that will be considered here is the ‘line-up’. With this procedure, suspects are arranged or lined up for witnesses to view and see which of them are or is the culprit. Here, the police officer in charge instructs the suspects to turn to whichever direction the witness asks. The witness is therefore asked to point out to the real culprit(s) who indeed committed the crime. Since this is an open parade, things could get complicated and physical in the sense that, if the witness pin points the suspect, and tempers are not calm, the suspect might step forward and harass the witness physically. In some cases, witnesses might be forced to give false data when they stare directly into faces of the suspects. Some suspects make facial expressions which are very threatening to witnesses and therefore conclude that the witness is not part of the parade for fear for their life. In other cases too, the witness might point to the wrong person who also has an appearance like that of a criminal (shabbily dressed, muscular, bony face, black lips) . Also depending on the type of question the witness is asked, he or she might give false information. Example: if the police asks; â€Å"which of them attacked you or committed the offence? † the witness is implied to just chose a suspect even if, the real culprit is not among the parade. Such questions are imperatives which do not really ask a direct question but instead expects you to comply or conform. Apart from this method shortcoming, there is no doubt that it’s sometimes reliable. Thirdly, identifications can be carried out by using a one-way mirror which is a better procedure as compared to that of the open line-ups. With this method, suspects are lined up in a room which is much secured with glass windows from which the witness can have a clear view of all the suspects present. The windows here are made of glass which are tinted, so suspects do not see whatever that goes on outside but the witness who is outside the room sees all that goes on inside. Identification of culprit(s) becomes difficult for the witness if suspects are dressed in almost the same way and there is the chance that, there exist some similarities between any of the suspects, especially when the culprit is involved. Also not all eye witness’ have very good memeory when it comes to facial recognition. Furthermore, there is the sort of identification which has to do with verbal recognition. Here, different set of audio recordings of different suspects are selected and then played for the witness to identify the culprit. This method is only used in critical situations where the witness did not see the suspect but heard the person speak. This could be difficult for the witness to identify especially when the tapes been played are similar. Sometimes too, the suspect is kept in a confined room with a recording device and is asked by the police to mention specific words suggested by the witness. These words are sometimes the ones the witness heard the suspect say at the time of the incident. In conclusion to the above procedures, the police force can put in severe measures that could enhance or yield positive and effective results to make their work much easier and simpler. There are also instances whereby two or more procedures of identification are incorporated into one to help solve cases which are very delicate and special.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Classes and Types of Phrases

7 Classes and Types of Phrases 7 Classes and Types of Phrases 7 Classes and Types of Phrases By Mark Nichol Phrase is such a banal term for two or more words that convey an idea that it may surprise you that there are seven types of phrases, with variations. Here, with pertinent phrases in sample sentences formatted in boldface, is a rundown of the categories: 1. Absolute Phrase An absolute phrase is a modifying parenthetical or subordinate phrase of a root sentence that includes a subject but does not have an acting verb so cannot stand on its own as sentence: â€Å"Their effort to regain the lead successful, the team continued to score until they pulled ahead by a wide margin. 2. Appositive Phrase An appositive phrase is one that restates a preceding term, or expands or explains it, in a parenthetical statement. There are three variations of appositive phrases: â€Å"Her dog, a bull mastiff, looks ridiculous with a pink bow stuck to her head† features a noun phrase. â€Å"His favorite hobby, knitting, is rather unusual for a man† includes a gerund phrase. â€Å"The Tahitian’s ambition, to become an ice skater, is unexpected† has an infinitive phrase. Note that these three types of phrases are explained below; the distinction in the phrase types as applied above, as opposed to the types described below, is that each type serves as the basis for an appositive phrase; on their own, they need not be appositive, or set off. 3. Gerund Phrase A gerund phrase includes a verbal, a hybrid that functions as a noun (or adjective). There are three distinct functions: â€Å"Juggling knives is not recommended as a relaxation technique† includes a gerund phase as the subject of the sentence. â€Å"I’m going for a long walk off a short pier† features a gerund phrase as the sentence’s object. â€Å"She’s saving up for a vacation in Antarctica† has a gerund phrase as the object of a preposition. 4. Infinitive Phrase An infinitive phrase includes the word to and a verb as the basis of a modification of a root sentence: â€Å"His effort to pass the bill doomed his political ambitions† includes an infinitive phrase that functions as an adjective modifying the previous noun. â€Å"He plans to see the movie† features an infinitive phrase that functions as the sentence’s object. â€Å"To write of the experience is to dredge up unpleasant memories† has an infinitive phrase that functions as the sentence’s subject. â€Å"To say as much is to admit guilt† includes an infinitive phrase that serves as predicate nominative, or a substitute subject. â€Å"I went to the store to buy some ice cream† features an infinitive phrase that stands as an adverb (modifying the verb went). 5. Noun Phrase A noun phrase consists of a person, place, or thing and any modifiers: â€Å"This is a grammar lesson.† It may include one or more adjectives (as grammar modifies lesson here). It might include a noun and a modifying clause: â€Å"This is a lesson that explains the various types of phrases.† It might take the form of one of three other types of phrase: infinitive, participial, and prepositional. (The infinitive phrase is discussed above, and the latter two types are described below.) Many noun phrases are continuous; they consist of words in sequence. However, a noun phrase may be discontinuous, meaning that it is broken up into more than one element: â€Å"This lesson is one that explains the various types of phrases.† 6. Participial Phrase A participial phrase consists of verbals ending in -ing or -ed, or another irregular form of a verb, and serves as an adjective: The participial phrase in â€Å"Having been lied to before, I was wary† modifies the word I. The phrase may be parenthetical within a sentence, too: In â€Å"You, knowing what you now know, are in a better position to judge,† the participial phrase modifies the word you. 7. Prepositional Phrase A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and a noun or pronoun that serves as the preposition’s object, and often one or more adjectives: â€Å"I went for a walk in the dark woods.† Prepositional phrases are often located at the head of a sentence. â€Å"When the sun went down, I hurried back.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingAwoken or Awakened?20 Ways to Cry

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Are We Too Dependent on Computers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Are We Too Dependent on Computers - Essay Example In this debate, I will argue that we are too dependent on computers. Progress is a natural aspect of humanity. People often seek new ideas, concepts and theories to support changing needs. In addition, the human capacity to think differentiates us from animals and drives us to want bigger, better, or more efficient tools to facilitate the execution of tasks. Computers are an example of a tool invented to make it easier to perform duties in an efficient and convenient manner. In spite of their contribution to human development, computers have also robbed us of certain aspects of our humanity, especially our social element. Human beings are naturally social; we always seek others for company and support in every possible way. However, computers are taking and have been taking this attribute away from us since they were invented. Today, it is common to see people using computers to perform everything, even tasks that can be carried out without technological assistance. In school, students are using calculators, which are minicomputers, to perform computations even when they do not really need to. It is also common to see people flashing out their gadgets at social gatherings and immersing themselves in online forums when they should be socializing with others. Smartphones, which are basically computers in their own right, and laptops, are now present in every corner of our lives. We have placed these devices on such a high pedestal that we view them as viable alternatives to other people.  

Salama Insurance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Salama Insurance - Research Paper Example The company’s vision is the provision of highest standards Shari’ah-compliant Takaful solutions to customers all around the world. Over the past 33 years, the company’s efforts have enabled it in building a solid reputation for the provision of competitive Takaful solutions of various ranges. The strength and accomplishments of the company are achieved by the competitive strategy of putting more focus on major business areas. According to SALAMA (2012), the insurance paid-up capital is about 330 million USD equivalents to AED1.2 billion. The company is listed in Dubai Financial Market which is abbreviated as IAIC. It is also assigned an excellent performance in its financial strength and issuer credit rating. The Tunis-based operation of the company is the largest in the world, and it operates in about 60 countries. The company deals with issues of individual clients and institutional customers through the global network. Currently, there are about six major Taka ful companies providing their solutions to customers. The six direct Takaful companies are located in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, and Senegal. The company aims at expanding its product portfolio through the size of offers and geographical coverage. This will help to increase the company’s footprint around the region and promote catering for the increased technologies, customers’ needs and legal environment change. Securing the future. UAE is currently at the point of delivering the best of West and East; over the years it has been the hub which was allowing Salama insurance to nurture giving it the ability to access global workforce that is able to operate under international standards. Takaful is dealing with the shift in Muslim attitudes on religious grounds. UAE, therefore, acts as a Shari’ah-compliant platform in offering Takaful solutions. While the country develops both economically and socially, it is essential to keep track of the changes occurring since the Muslims in UAE are stressing on getting Shari’ah-compliant goods and services. These need to enable the company in delivering the best of their best to the Muslims. As UAE’s specialized Takaful company, Salama also deals with offering comprehensive policies in insurance ranging from general, health and family solutions to individuals, companies and families. The company has got its unique position thanks to its credibility, good reputation for quality products, operating under high standards of service provision, and having access to Takaful’s best insurance practices. It is also the best in the provision of both qualitative and affordable solutions. As the company expands its customer base, its aim is to be the number one for Takaful solutions and its customers. The company has also made various promises to its customers, for example, in the provision of personalized services, improved customer commitment, and improvement in Shari’ah- compliant products. Current financial conditions in the insurance industry that affect the availability and affordability of insurance products. According to Raja (2009), the UAE economic development has given many developing countries an excellent choice for overseas expansion, globalization, and foreign direct investment. This region is one of the wealthiest and fastest in development in the world. China, for example, is becoming an economic leader and manufacturer on the world perspective since it is famous for its cheap labor workers. The UAE has also increased wealth

Friday, October 18, 2019

Evaluate the role played by Britain in shaping modern Australian Essay

Evaluate the role played by Britain in shaping modern Australian society and political culture. Does the term 'Austral Briton' still hold any relevance - Essay Example A good and profound example is the Head of State who is the current Queen of England. The other is the Union Jack symbol in the Australian flag. Many Australians as at the WWII either descended from Britain or were actually having direct ancestral links to Britain2. This paper will therefore discuss the role played by Britain in shaping modern Australian society and political culture while shedding light on whether the term ‘Austral Briton’ still holds any relevance. Before the 1st World War Australian inhabitants especially the ones born there or had their ancestry trailing from Britain or Ireland were being termed as ‘Aussie’ colloquially. This was rather a term that denoted ability to survive through hard times and later was more defining as it distinguished those born in Australia and immigrants3. This latter distinction was coined during and after the 2nd World War. The nation was originally a British penal colony from 18th century and more precisely from 17884. The continent had been seen to be one that is full of hardships by Joseph Banks who went further to suggest that convicts should be taken there from Britain. It is in 1788 that the first batch of convicts docked at Botany Bay5. This first fleet comprised of marines, men and women convicts. The following years saw an increased movement to Australia as more convicts were being shipped and being taken further inland. The women population among the convicts was just 20 perc ent. This disparity between men and women convicts went a long way to shape the current mateship ideology. This transportation of convicts to Australia however came to an end officially in 1850. More and more people started to stream in from various nationalities but the biggest number was from Britain making them dominate the demographics of Australia6. Australia was a region of the earth where democracy did not exist as a formal system of ruling masses up until the colonisation by the British. Most

Ebay cultural analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ebay cultural analysis - Essay Example These elements that define the culture of an organization are not constant, they change with time and it is the change of these elements that define culture change and hence the reputation and direction of the company. There are several cultural changes that have been initiated in EBay since its inception and these changes have resulted to a number of implications. The first cultural change initiated by the company was not localized to the company but to the whole world. The company changed the way the world does business. It initiated transitions from buying and selling physical commodities to a wide extension of commodities that include diverse services. The company also revolutionized the payments methods in business transactions y introducing paperless cash transfers such as PayPal (Griffin 2012, p 79). This is an online payment method that allows buyers and sellers to purchase and sell commodities online without handling cash. This has not only improved the efficiency of carryin g out business transactions, but it has also enhanced security in business. The company has also initiated a communication culture between its employees and its customers. In the early days of the inception of the company, there had been poor communication strategies and many customers filled the company’s website with messages filled with dissatisfaction. Therefore, the company introduced a strong culture of communication by creating several interfaces and platforms of communication between the company and its employees (Ashkanasy 2011, p 82). The company also included the use of social media and channels in its communication culture with its employees and this assertion is attributed to the rapid changes in the levels of technology in the world. The other culture change that has been observed in the company is its responsiveness to its shareholders. The company initiated a mechanism that will ensure that all the concerns of their shareholders are met within the shortest tim e possible (Bevan & Wengrow 2010, p 18). The company changed its buyer and seller cultures a great deal by adding the aspect of shareholders involvement so as to include them in its short term and long term development plans. All the above described cultural changes that took place in EBay had a number of implications that accompanied them and the business environment as a whole. These were both positive and negative implications as will be described below. Taking a look at some of the positive implications that impacted the organization was increase in the number of products. This in return led to increase in the number of sales and consequently, increase revenue collection (Halal 2005, p 59). This was extremely significant as it led to overall increase in overall business turnover. All these continued to provide more energy in terms of financial resource to stir up the organization in the quest of attaining their set goals and objectives. In addition to this, there was improvement of interpersonal relationship between the staff, both junior and senior managerial staff. The flow of information significantly improved as a result of these cultural changes and as a result business could be carried out in a well orderly fashion and thus led to increase in quality of service. The customer is always the determining factor in any business entity. Therefore, by the organization having the capability offer quality services and goods,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Effect of Using Facebook as a Teaching Tool on Students Interest Research Paper

The Effect of Using Facebook as a Teaching Tool on Students Interest and Motivation in Learning English - Research Paper Example The interest of students and their motivation have always been a concern for many scholars like Fenfanng Li and Fushan Sun. Li’s contribution is well evidenced in the work EFL Learners’ Belief and Learning Strategy Use by English Majors while Sun’s work is on Pedagogical Implications to Teaching English Writing. According to Begawan (2009), the perspective with which many students have taken learning English as a new language can be attributed to the lack of interest or key goal towards its overall achievement. On the same note, it is critical to note that the mode of learning the languages devised is not motivating students to read and research extensively on the language concepts. According to Liao, (2009), a portion of language educators have relied heavily on the transmission model, which emphasizes on the teachers’ responsibility of conveying the knowledge and correcting errors. With respect to this practice, more students get tired of this teacher-ce ntered model of English learning and end up terming English as a very boring and monotonous instead of being update and informative. One crucial attempt to solve this would be the utilization of approaches that stimulate students’ interest in language learning.... On the same note, it is critical to note that the mode of learning the languages devised is not motivating students to read and research extensively on the language concepts. According to Liao, (2009), a portion of language educators have relied heavily on the transmission model, which emphasizes on the teachers’ responsibility of conveying the knowledge and correcting errors. With respect to this practice, more students get tired of this teacher-centered model of English learning and end up terming English as a very boring and monotonous instead of being update and informative. One crucial attempt to solve this would be the utilization of approaches that stimulate students’ interest in language learning. National Council of Education Research and Training (2006) argue that the growth and development of technology, with the booming digital revolution; English language has been incorporated in multimedia as the means of instruction. This is highly critical to influence E nglish language among the users of digital technology. With increased immersion of students in Web 2.0 technologies like the blogs, twitter, social networks like Facebook, virtual worlds, video sharing and photo sharing, these can effectively be utilized as means of encouraging students to learn English to fully participate in them (Fang, 2010). My interest has been driven to Facebook owing to its ease and interactive features that are highly crucial in motivating the language teaching (Childs, 2009). This is with respect to the language of instructions used for the social network sites. This research study aimed at looking on the effect Facebook has, as a tool on the students’ interest and motivation in learning of

Has Christmas Lost Its Meaning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Has Christmas Lost Its Meaning - Research Paper Example .In some places, you might see an aged man with hair, beard white as snow wearing a red jumpsuit and glasses, and as you pass him by, you hear "HO, HO, HO", and now a picture is taken; your child has requested his wishes. In the meantime someone somewhere has now become more sudden; the worries of not having enough money to satisfy loved ones; the thought of not being with friends or family; or simply not having someone for a time of household gathering have led more people in this world to become depressed at such times. All of these events and feelings occur as the most celebrated and commercialized day arrives and that day we call it Christmas; a time that should bring forth joy and remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior.What is Christmas? To everyone, Christmas seems to be different. Some people consider Christmas as a celebration of Christ’s birthday. To others, Christmas means friendship, love, giving and receiving. Others view it as a time of visiting fami lies and have a huge row. Others take it as a feasting and merriment day or just a well-earned day off work. All these people celebrate Christmas in the way they see as its ‘true meaning.' Nevertheless, this emerges from their personal lives and believes. Christmas is celebrated in December, and this is considered the day when Jesus Christ was born. That is what is meant for Christmas to be about; however, it is rapidly declining into consideration of materialism and greed with little Jesus' thought (Pendered 1463).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Effect of Using Facebook as a Teaching Tool on Students Interest Research Paper

The Effect of Using Facebook as a Teaching Tool on Students Interest and Motivation in Learning English - Research Paper Example The interest of students and their motivation have always been a concern for many scholars like Fenfanng Li and Fushan Sun. Li’s contribution is well evidenced in the work EFL Learners’ Belief and Learning Strategy Use by English Majors while Sun’s work is on Pedagogical Implications to Teaching English Writing. According to Begawan (2009), the perspective with which many students have taken learning English as a new language can be attributed to the lack of interest or key goal towards its overall achievement. On the same note, it is critical to note that the mode of learning the languages devised is not motivating students to read and research extensively on the language concepts. According to Liao, (2009), a portion of language educators have relied heavily on the transmission model, which emphasizes on the teachers’ responsibility of conveying the knowledge and correcting errors. With respect to this practice, more students get tired of this teacher-ce ntered model of English learning and end up terming English as a very boring and monotonous instead of being update and informative. One crucial attempt to solve this would be the utilization of approaches that stimulate students’ interest in language learning.... On the same note, it is critical to note that the mode of learning the languages devised is not motivating students to read and research extensively on the language concepts. According to Liao, (2009), a portion of language educators have relied heavily on the transmission model, which emphasizes on the teachers’ responsibility of conveying the knowledge and correcting errors. With respect to this practice, more students get tired of this teacher-centered model of English learning and end up terming English as a very boring and monotonous instead of being update and informative. One crucial attempt to solve this would be the utilization of approaches that stimulate students’ interest in language learning. National Council of Education Research and Training (2006) argue that the growth and development of technology, with the booming digital revolution; English language has been incorporated in multimedia as the means of instruction. This is highly critical to influence E nglish language among the users of digital technology. With increased immersion of students in Web 2.0 technologies like the blogs, twitter, social networks like Facebook, virtual worlds, video sharing and photo sharing, these can effectively be utilized as means of encouraging students to learn English to fully participate in them (Fang, 2010). My interest has been driven to Facebook owing to its ease and interactive features that are highly crucial in motivating the language teaching (Childs, 2009). This is with respect to the language of instructions used for the social network sites. This research study aimed at looking on the effect Facebook has, as a tool on the students’ interest and motivation in learning of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Relativism and Morality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Relativism and Morality - Research Paper Example Though Goodman (2010) does not deny the existence of relativism, he claims that there are certain basic human universals; and he also claims that terrorism, genocide, and polygamy are all beyond the scope of relativism as they are equally wrong in all culture. The first ‘wrong’ identified by Goodman is genocide. Genocide can be defined as the killing of people on the basis of a specific feature ranging from caste, creed color, religion or even lifestyle. One can undoubtedly say that genocide is wrong according to most cultures in the world. Thus it is possible to conclude that there are there are more ethical commonalities than ethical differences among cultures, supporting Goodman’s claim. However, one cannot ignore the Nazi concentration camps and the claims of the Nazi war criminals. Their claim was that they had just followed what was right according to their legal and cultural framework. Thus, it becomes evident that it is not possible to fully agree with wha t Goodman claims. The second issue in the list is terrorism (Goodman, 2010). Goodman makes the claim that no culture in the world finds terrorism morally acceptable. The mere fact is that many cultures in the world, at one time or another, adopted terrorism. For example, the American troops in Vietnam drew a pathetic picture in front of the guerilla tactics of Vietnamese. It is unlikely that Goodman forgot the Taliban and al Qaeda which claim that ‘jihad’ is the way to eternal life. For more examples, one can think about the way the colonies managed to struggle away from the European colonization in the last century. The mere fact is that in broad terms, every fight that does not follow internationally accepted war regulations (if any) comes under terrorism. Thus, Goodman goes seriously wrong in claiming that terrorism is not relative. Very similar is the case of polygamy. According to Goodman (2010), polygamy is universally accepted as ‘wrong’. In fact, po lygamy is an accepted practice among many cultures including the Fundamentalist Mormon religion. Islamism too allows polygamy. The mere fact is that only those cultures which follow monogamy find polygamy as a ‘wrong’ practice and only those cultures spend much time dwelling into the issues of those women in polygamous families. For the polygamous societies, polygamy is just one part of their cultural life and they might be able to enlist a number of problems associated with monogamy. Thus, polygamy fails to become a universal wrong. Though it is possible to prove that the claims of Goodman are way off the mark, one has to admit that it is highly necessary to have some universal moral concepts. First of all, one can argue that giving much attention to cultural relativism will mar the growth of civilization. For example, the whole world condemns genocide at present. There was a time when the Nazi war criminals claimed in the Nuremberg war trials that they were just follo wing what was permissible according to their cultural and legal system. However, the society has considerably changed since then, and at present, most societies consider genocide immoral. Secondly, relativism leads to self-refuting. For example, moral activists are stopped from taking steps as most of the atrocities in the world at present are right according to some societies. For example, there is the clitoridectomy or the circumcision of female genitalia. According to some cultures, this is acceptable and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Albert Camus the Plague Essay Example for Free

Albert Camus the Plague Essay Can God possibly exist in a world full of madness and injustice? Albert Camus and Samuel Beckett address these questions in The Plague and Waiting for Godot. Though their thinking follows the ideals of existentialism, their conclusions are different. Camus did not believe in God, nor did he agree with the vast majority of the historical beliefs of the Christian religion. His stance on Christianity is summed up most simply by his remark that in its essence, Christianity (and this is its paradoxical greatness) is a doctrine of injustice. It is founded on the sacrifice of the innocent and the acceptance of this sacrifice (Bree 49). Camus felt that Jesus Christ was an innocent man who was unjustly killed. This does conflicts with all of Camus values. However, Camus did not believe that Jesus was the son of God. Camus inability to accept Christian theology is voiced in The Plague by Riex and juxtaposed against the beliefs preached by Father Paneloux (Rhein 42). Panelouxs attitude toward the plague contrasts sharply with Rieuxs. In his first sermon, he preaches that the plague is divine in origin and punitive in its purpose. He attempts to put aside his desires for a rational explanation and simply accepts Gods will. In this way he is not revolting and therefore falls victim to the plague. Father Panelouxs belief that there are no innocent victims is shaken as he watches a young boy die of the plague. Camus purposefully describes a long, painful death to achieve the greatest effect on Paneloux: When the spasms had passed, utterly exhausted, tensing his thin legs and arms, on which, within forty-eight hours, the flesh had wasted to the bone, the child lay flat, in a grotesque parody of crucifixion (215). Paneloux cannot deny that the child was an innocent victim and is forced to rethink his ideas. During his second sermon, a change is seen in Father Paneloux. He now uses the pronoun we instead of you, and he has adopted a new policy in which he tells people to believe all or nothing (224). Father Paneloux, as a Christian, is faced with a decision: either he accepts that God is the ultimate ruler and brings goodness out of the evil that afflicts men, or he sides with Rieux and denies God. The conclusion formed by Camus is that because this is a world in which innocent people are tortured, there is no God. Samuel Beckett does not necessarily deny the existence of God in Waiting for Godot. If God does exist, then He contributes to the chaos by remaining silent. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal noted the arbitrariness of life and that the universe works based on percentages. He advocated using such arbitrariness to ones advantage, including believing in God. If He does not exist, nobody would care in the end, but if He does, a believer is on the safe side all along, so one cannot lose. In this play, either God does not exist, or He does not care. Whichever is the case, chance and arbitrariness determine human life in the absence of a divine power. This ties in with the two tramps chances for salvation. As one critic observes, For just as man cannot live by bread alone, he now realizes that he cannot live by mere thinking or hanging on in vain to a thread of salvation which does not seem to exist (Lumley 203). This explains Vladimir and Estragons contemplation of suicide after Godot remains absent for yet another day. One could also argue, in the absurd sense, that each man has a fifty-fifty chance of salvation. One of the two prisoners who were crucified with Jesus was given salvation. This element of chance for salvation can also be extended to Pozzo and Lucky in Waiting for Godot. When they come across the two tramps, Pozzo is on his way to sell Lucky because he claims that Lucky has grown old and only hinders him. In this way Pozzo is trying to draw that fifty-fifty chance of salvation for himself. One of the ways in which Lucky hinders him is that Lucky could be the one to be redeemed, leaving Pozzo to be damned. Even Luckys speech is concerned with salvation: Given the existence of a personal God outside time without who from the heights of divine apathia divide athambia divide apaia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown and suffers with those who for reasons unknown are plunged in torment. (28) After removing all of Luckys nonsensical meanderings, the gist of his speech is that God does not communicate with humans and condemns them for unknown reasons. His silence causes the real hopelessness, and this is what makes Waiting for Godot a tragedy

Sunday, October 13, 2019

I Want To Be a Teacher Essay -- Education Teaching Learning School Ess

Why I Want To Be a Teacher Education is one of the most essential possessions in life. It is necessary for success, and it provides an enhanced future. I believe that people, who do not get an education, are uninformed as to what is going on in their surroundings. The disadvantage is that people can abuse you for your lack of knowledge. People need to be educated to communicate effectively with other people who might have distinct points of views than theirs. In other words, education makes you more open-minded and acceptable to other ideas, beliefs, and values. In the United States, people are extremely lucky because no matter what their age they always have the privilege of receiving the best education possible. In other countries, children have withdrawn from school at an early age because their parents cannot afford to pay for their education. This is very depressing because in the United States innumerable people take school for granted and give up just because they are lazy. They do not appreciat e what they have and do not value education. When I was a child, my mother would constantly remind me about how important it was to have high expectations. My mother is originally from Central America. In her country, people are very unfortunate. She loved school and dreamed of becoming a nurse. However, she had to leave school to help my grandmother, economically. She decided to come to America and to endow my brothers and me with the education she never had. For this reason, most of the things I have accomplished throughout my schooling are because of my mother. I always perform my best in everything I do because I want to make her proud. I know that through me her dreams are becoming a reality. I plan to ... ...bility over each one of your students. Good quality instructors are what society needs in order to make this country flourishing. Yet, I have heard many controversies over what an effective teacher really is. Although this was intimidating, it gave me more determination to work towards my goal. Another reason why I admire teachers is because not only do they facilitate children’s learning but they can aid their own children as well. I think that is something remarkable. I anticipate that in the future I will be able to be of assistance to my children with their homework and teach them how to be responsible citizens. Accomplishing my aspiration of becoming a professor will fill me with enormous satisfaction and pride. I know that completing my schooling will guarantee me a successful future. Only then will I prove that my mother’s sacrifice was not useless.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Shakespeares Othello - Desdemona in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

Desdemona in Othello  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   In William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello, the wife of the protagonist is Desdemona. She is a lovely, intelligent, wholesome and pious person. This essay will analyze her.    In Act 1 Scene1, Iago persuades the rejected suitor of Desdemona, Roderigo, to accompany him to the home of Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, in the middle of the night. Once there the two awaken him with loud shouts about his daughter’s elopement with Othello. In response to Iago’s vulgar descriptions of Desdemona’s involvement with the general, Brabantio arises from bed and, with Roderigo’s help, gathers a search party to go and find Desdemona and bring her home. The father’s attitude is that life without his Desdemona will be much worse than before:    It is too true an evil: gone she is;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And what's to come of my despised time   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Is nought but bitterness. (1.1)    So obviously the senator has great respect for his daughter, or at least for the comforts which she has afforded him up the beginning of the play. This respect is shared by her new husband Othello, who says to Iago    that I love the gentle Desdemona,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I would not my unhoused free condition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Put into circumscription and confine   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For the sea's worth. (1.2)    Once that Brabantio has located Othello, the father presses charges publicly in order to have Desdemona returned:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To prison, till fit time   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of law and course of direct session   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Call thee to answer. (1.2)    The proceedings which take place before the Duke of Venice cause the father to permanently lose his daughter, mostly due to Desdemona’s own fluent presentation of her point of view in the city... ...he was heavenly true!† And upon the arrival of Iago, she publicly accuses him of lying:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   You told a lie, an odious, damned lie;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Upon my soul, a lie, a wicked lie.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   She false with Cassio! (5.2)    Then she accuses him of causing murder: â€Å"And your reports have set the murder on.† Emilia’s stunning interrogation and conviction of her own husband as the evil mastermind behind the murder results in Iago’s murder of her. Gullible Othello, grief-stricken by remorse for the tragic mistake he has made, stabs himself and dies on the bed next to his wife, his sorrow being as deep as his love for Desdemona prior to Iago’s machinations.    WORKS CITED    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.      

Friday, October 11, 2019

Morning After Pill

Morning after-pill (MAP) or plan B is an emergency pill that stops a woman from becoming pregnant if contraception failed or wasn’t used. The morning after pill works best if taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex. Medics argue that plan B’s efficacy is up 70% and its effectiveness up to 72 hours there after its efficacy is not known. ( It is noteworthy that the earlier it’s taken the better. Examples of medicine currently used include levonelle one step in UK and postinor2 in most Africa states. The pills contain a female-type hormone such as levorgestrel. Other names used to refer to MAP include post-coital pill (PCP) and emergency contraceptive (EC)-emergency because it is not used under normal circumstances and has stricter conditions under which they can be used for instance, the postinor2 mostly used in Africa states can only be used once within every menstrual cycle. Remember MAP cannot work if one is already pregnant and therefore it is not an abortion-causing drug. MAP works in two possible ways; preventing ovaries from releasing egg or altering the lining of the womb so a fertilized egg wont be implanted. I want to argue that MAP must be made readily available to interested consumers. Let us first consider the categories of people who use it and their circumstances. 1) Rape victims A lady may be raped during her fertile days such unplanned and unprotected sex may result in unwanted pregnancy. An instance such as this justifies the use of MAP. MAP would help prevent pregnancy, which may alleviate the possibility of abortion (as the one raped may opt for it), and the humiliation a child who is as a result of rape may face from parent(s). 2) Women who have been lured into sex while under the influence of emotional whims or drugs. Women under such influence of drug and alcohol may find themselves having unprotected sex. Men may want to take advantage of them. Once such women regain sobriety, MAP may be handy in preventing anxiety and pregnancy. Everyone will agree that at some point in their life, at least every woman, because of circumstances such as the ones we have, may lose their sobriety. Isn’t it kind of medics for providing such women an alternative and possibility for preventing unwanted pregnancy? 3) Lovers or a couple may suffer condom burst/breakage. If this happens, without MAP there would be no other easy way of preventing pregnancy. The fact that such people were using a condom implies that they never wanted conception to occur. Isn’t MAP a relief to most couples? I will reiterate that MAP does not induce abortion and therefore Christians opposed to abortion and other pro-life activists have no reason to be indifferent. As a matter of fact, they should advocate for it as it has come in to reduce cases of abortion emanating from rape, condom burst and unplanned sexual intercourse. When these happen, MAP provides the consolation that, ‘its not too late, there is plan B’. With advancement in the medical field unlike the older MAP, today’s pills cause very little side-effects. Statistics show that one woman in every 60 actually vomits. Other mild side effects include tummy ache, breast tenderness, dizziness and vaginal spotting of blood. These side effects are less severe as compared with the risks of not using MAP. Critics of MAP feel there is no need for one to subject themselves to such side effects but the risks in not using it may be too heavy to bear. MAP can be used by a greater percentage of women apart from for instance those with porphyria and severe liver problems. Having explored MAP, we should be right to state that access to it must be made easy. Local pharmacists should be allowed to stock it and allow clients to buy it without necessarily needing a doctor’s prescription. (American Medical Association, 2006; Ellertson, Trussell, Stewart &Winikoff, 1998).  Ã‚   After all, the side effects are not problematic are again most ladies are knowledgeable of how to use it and for what purposes. Although others feel this may prompt its abuse but we can argue that Pharmacists can chat with client quickly about it to know whether they understand its appropriate use and the side effects. It’s encouraging to learn that in America, an over-the-counter sale of the ‘morning after’ contraceptive pill to those over 18 has been approved. Abortion rights advocates hailed this although many bemoaned the age restrict.   â€Å"We are pleased that a common sense common-ground agenda for reducing unintended pregnancy and the need for abortion finally won out.† Said Kinsten Moore, President of the reproductive health technology project, Washington. ( Anti-abortion groups feel plan B is an abortion pill whose widespread availability would lead to increased STD. Other abortion rights pushed for over-the-counter availability of plan B arguing that its availability would sharply reduce the newly 1 million abortions performed annually in USA but this may not be true as studies suggest that in the USA, couples have so much unprotected sex. â€Å"EC don’t work if are kept in the draw† and studies show that even if women have pills on hand, the drawer is where they remain.† Says Dr James Trussell, Princeton University. But Dr Raines says, â€Å"Unintended pregnancy rates have been dropping over the last decade. Plan B will contribute to further decline. ( The term morning –after pill is inmost cases misleading in its effectiveness. It’s Not 100% and only works up to 70%. Therefore some women have unprotected sex hoping to use MAP but unfortunately they end up becoming pregnant and this may lead to abortion or disorient one’s family plan.   Some women are opposed to it because it doesn’t protect them from pregnancy for the rest of their menstrual cycle. It therefore compels them to abstain from sex or use a barrier method like a condom. Again, it is believed that MAP is not good at protecting ectopic pregnancy (EP) (Stewart and Van Look, 1998 P142). Incase it causes EP, then the repercussions quite expensive and ladies who know what having an ectopic pregnancy tend to oppose MAP. However, as per now EP caused by MAP would be just like any other accident and so far medical researchers haven’t linked MAP directly to EP unless research proves it. We should not jump into conclusion. Again no research has shown any increase in abnormities among babies whose mothers took MAP. Some people argue against MAP on the basing that past experience does show that other hormones taken in early pregnancy have harmed children. But instead of using assumptions, focused studies should be done to establish the connection between MAP and babies’ abnormalities and EP. Otherwise, we will not have a firm ground to stand and argue that simply because other hormones have caused abnormalities, MAP too causes it. It may be an exception The intra-uterine device (IUDS)/the coil is an alternative for MAP. Unfortunately only few medical specialists are trained in fitting them efficiently. Again the intra-uterine device may make one anemic because of the volume and length of menstrual flow. Insertion is difficult and painful for women and has more restrictions, which include heart value problems, previous EP and pelvic infection. (Bucar, 1999). This makes MAP to remain the most appropriate and least expensive. So opposing its use and making it difficult to access only makes it strenuous for women. I believe every one should be in control of their life. A medicine such as MAP gives women more means to control and plan for their lives. Arguing against MAP is like arguing that family planning should be done away with to allow chance and nature to rein it an arena that it otherwise shouldn’t. In conclusion, the current price range of $25-$40 should be lowered and possibly subsidized by the federal governments. Arrangements should be made and possibilities explored on providing emergency contraception for free like its done in some parts of the UK. Youth advisory clinics, family planning clinics, college health centers, STD clinics and walk-in clinics must seek to stock and make readily available MAP at a lowest cost possible. Work cited 1. American Medical Association, Council on Medical Service. Access to Emergency Contraception [H-75.985] Chicago, IL: AMA, 2006; 2. Bucar, L. Caution: Catholic Health Restrictions May Be Hazardous to Your Health . Washington, DC: Catholics for a Free Choice, 1999. 3. Devin, D. Contraceptive coils (IUDS) Accessed online on 24 November 2007 1:50:42 GMT. 4. Ellertson, C., Trussell, J., Stewart F.H, Winikoff, B. Should emergency contraceptive pills be available without a prescription? Journal of the America Medical Women’s Association. 1998; 53 (5, Supplement 2): 226-229. 5. Gardiner Harris, 24thAug 2006.In New York Times. Accessed online on 23rd, Nov. 2007 6. Stewart F, Van Look P.F.A. Emergency contraception: Contraceptive Technology .17th revised edition. New York: Irvington, 1998.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Social Communication in Nation Building

The basis of nationality is the sense of belonging to the same nation and the desire on the part of its members to live with each other at this level of community. When the political scientist wants to de fine or locate this subjective sense of community, he has used such objective criteria as common language, common history, common territory, and so forth. It is clear that ail these criteria are an expression of something more basic—shared experience.This shared experience, which may lead to the necessary mutual trust among members of a given society and to the feeling that this group as a group is different from others, contributes continuously to national unity. National unity likewise makes shared experience more possible. To determine the human and geographie frontiers of a nation the political scientist must find ways to examine this shared experience.The problems in the Tiers Monde are greater with regard to such research than they are in Europe because much of the nece ssary data are not available. Research at very basic levels with some new methods is necessary. Karl W. Deutsch, professor of political science at Yale University, has proposed a quantitative interdisciplinary way to examine shared experience and, indirectly, the sense of community. 1 He suggests that one measure the quantities of communications among a given people to find out how much contact they have.For this one must use criteria such as flows of letters, telegrams, movement of vehicles, trains, planes, telephone calls, mass media of communication, location of markets, settlement patterns, and population movements, he says. If it is possible to examine these different forms of communication, or as many as possible of them, it is equally possible, he says, to estimate shared experience and make predictions about increases or decreases in shared experience. The first stage in this process, that of physical contact, is called â€Å"mobilization†.People who have intensive co mmunications with each other are â€Å"mobilized†1 for shared experiences and are â€Å"mobiliz-ed† into a current of communications which may eventually change a physical relationship into an affective relationship. The second stage is a change in the sentiments and attitudes of the people; it is called â€Å"assimilation†. People find that, on the basis of shared experience, they communicate increasingly more effectively with members of a particular society than with others. In other words, when the â€Å"communication habits† of a population become ncreasingly standardized within a group composed of smaller groups, assimilation of the smaller groups to the larger one is occurring: â€Å"If the statistical weight of standardized experience is large, and the weight of recalled information within the [smaller] group is relatively small, and the statistical weight of feedback information about the [smaller] group's peculiar responses is likewise small, th en the responses of such a group would differ from the responses of other groups in the same situation by a converging series, until the remaining differences might fall below the threshold of political significance.This is the process of assimilation. â€Å"2 People may also find that there are advantages to be gained in belong-ing to this new community, but there may never be a conscious choice which is made. Because a study of assimilation is a study of beliefs, values and conceptions, different kinds of data are necessary. Professor Deutsch says that there are also quantifiable.According to him, the â€Å"rate of assimilation† depends on certain linguistic, economie, and cultural â€Å"balances†: similarities in linguistic habits must be balanced, for example, against differences in value, material rewards for assimilation must be balanced against rewards for non-assimilation. To measure values he says it is necessary to give psychological tests to considerable nu mbers of people3 and to measure rewards it is necessary, in part, to examine economie surveys to determine where people work and how much they get paid. The problems involved in using these criteria are insurmontable at present. The data for these â€Å"balances† are lacking, and even if one had the men, the money, the machines, and the time necessary, or as many as possible of them, it is equally possible, he says, to estimate shared experience and make predictions about increases or decreases in shared experience. The first stage in this process, that of physical contact, is called â€Å"mobilization†.People who have intensive communications with each other are â€Å"mobilized†1 for shared experiences and are â€Å"mobiliz-ed† into a current of communications which may eventually change a physical relationship into an affective relationship. The second stage is a change in the sentiments and attitudes of the people; it is called â€Å"assimilation†. People find that, on the basis of shared experience, they communicate increasingly more effectively with members of a particular society than with others.In other words, when the â€Å"communication habits† of a population become increasingly standardized within a group composed of smaller groups, assimilation of the smaller groups to the larger one is occurring: â€Å"If the statistical weight of standardized experience is large, and the weight of recalled information within the [smaller] group is relatively small, and the statistical weight of feedback information about the [smaller] group's peculiar responses is likewise small, then the responses of such a group would differ from the responses of other groups in the same situation by a converging series, until the remaining differences might fall below the threshold of political significance. This is the process of assimilation. â€Å"2 People may also find that there are advantages to be gained in belong-ing to this new community, but there may never be a conscious choice which is made. Because a study of assimilation is a study of beliefs, values and conceptions, different kinds of data are necessary. Professor Deutsch says that there are also quantifiable.According to him, the â€Å"rate of assimilation† depends on certain linguistic, economie, and cultural â€Å"balances†: similarities in linguistic habits must be balanced, for example, against differences in value, material rewards for assimilation must be balanced against rewards for non-assimilation. To measure values he says it is necessary to give psychological tests to considerable numbers of people3 and to measure rewards it is necessary, in part, to examine economie surveys to determine where people work and how much they get paid. 4 The problems involved in using these criteria are insurmontable at present. The data for these â€Å"balances† are lacking, and even if one had the men, the money, the machines, and the time necessary, villages or in the same village. These quantifiable data served as a basis for a study of mobilization.In order to validate conclusions based on the quantitative census data I took a tour of the country during which I visited every region and lived in a few selected villages for periods of three days to a week. In the course of this tour I found that one way to investigate attitudes and assimilation was by oral histories and conceptions of kinship. My use of these histories was different from that of Professor Hubert Deschamps who had made an extensive tour of the country in 1961 to collect and record oral histories as part of a large project to write the history of Gabon. 1 As an historian he was naturally interest-ed in recording the facts of the past. For me, as a political scientist, the â€Å"truth† was irrelevant.I was interested in history as ideology: how were present relationships between tribes justified in the history, what was the place held b y neighboring tribes in a given history, how were history and conceptions of kinship infmenced by present settlement patterns. I thought that these two criteria, settlement patterns and histories, could serve as a basis for estimations of trends in assimilation and mobilization and could show the relationship between non-quantifiable attitudes and quantifiable social communications. The following are some of my findings. Mobilization Gabon may be crudely divided into three generai zones of mobilization: places where people are relatively non-mobilized, where they are partially mobilized, and where they are mobilized for intensive contact with people of different ethnie groups.I have called these zones Heartland, Contact, and National. The Heartland Zone is a group of contiguous cantons in which one ethnie group or tribe clearly predominates with at least 80% of the total population. Internai communication is fairly good and may be better than means which link the area with other par ts of the country. Contact Zones are on the edges of Heartland Zones; from about 50% to 80% of the people belong to one tribe. Such zones are cantons in which people of different tribes live in adjoining villages or in the same village; or they are centers of attraction such as administrative posts and markets to which people from different Heartlands travel regularly.They are most likely along roads and rivers which provide a link between Heartland Zones. There may be more mechanical means of communication in a Contact Zone than in a Heartland. National Zones are groups of contiguous cantons and large centers of attraction in which no tribe accounts for 50% of the total population. The internai means of communication are best here: they are public, mechanical, and regular. It is usually the one place where most decisions affecting the whole country are made. A. A Heartland. The largest Heartland in Gabon is that of the Fang who account for one-third of the total population of the c ountry. 1 The center of this Heartland orresponds with the administrative region of Woleu-Ntem in the northern half of the country along the Camerounese frontier. The region is relatively isolated from the rest of Gabon but has regular contact with Cameroun and Spanish Guinea by land and water. The only road to Libreville has been in poor condition even during the dry season; the rains often close the road completely. While there is regular air and telegraphie communication between Libreville and administrative centers of Woleu-Ntem, there is no regular land transportation. By contrast, fair roads extend into Cameroun and Spanish Guinea where close relatives of the Fang, the Bulu, live.Merchandise is imported along these routes while coffee and cocoa exports leave Woleu-Ntem through the Cameroun. 2 Some Fang take advantage of the road to the Cameroun to attend Camerounese technical schools and go to Camerounese hospitals (particularly a missionary-run hospital not far from the front ier). Radio Cameroun is a popular source of information and entertainment. For 14 of the 16 cantons of Woleu Ntem there is a regular service of autocars which link the administrative centers of the region. For example, two little Renault cars leave Oyem, the administrative capital, every day for each canton except that of Medouneu to the far west and Lalara to the south.There are frequent cars from Oyem or Bitam to Spanish Guinea and Cameroun. Another means of internai communication has been a regional newspaper published by some Fang teachers. In 1962 it contained mainly Fang stories and essays on â€Å"the true Fang custom†. In spite 1. For studies of the Fang see Georges Balandier, Sociologie actuelle de l'Afrique Noire, Paris, 1963. P. Alexandre and J. Binet, Le Groupe dit Pahouin, Paris, 1958. James Fernandez, Redistributive Acculturation in Fang Culture, unpublished, Northwestern, 1963. 2. Neither Libreville nor Port-Gentil, which are both on the ocean, have a port whic h can adequately accomodate large ships. f the great preponderance of Fang in the region, it was printed in French and was issued in only 75 copies. About 55,000 out of a total adult population of 56,500, or 98% are Fang in this region. 1 In the canton of Woleu, for example, there are 5,531 Africans of whom 5,473 are Fang. Non-Fang live in well-defined quarters in the town of Oyem; most of these people are Bulu merchants from southern Cameroun or Bakota who have moved from a neighboring region to work as servants or to attend a Roman Catholic secondary school. While these â€Å"foreigners† move into the Woleu-Ntem, the present Fang residents are fairly stationary. The census indicates that 80% of the men between the ages of 15 and 59 were born in the place the census taker found them.However, only 12% of the women were born in the place they were counted. 2 This does not mean that many Fang have not moved outside the Woleu-Ntem for many have; it means that Fang maies, who sti ll live in the region, have an interest in continuing to live in the village where they were born and that they find wives outside their village. Several women in each of the villages along the Guinea and Cameroun frontiers indicated that they were born in these neighboring states. Contiguous with the Woleu-Ntem are eight cantons which are an extension of the Heartland. The Fang have moved into these particul-ar cantons partly because the ways of communication exist.For example, the administrative region of Ogooue-Ivindo has three cantons adjacent to the Fang Heartland. In two of these cantons the Fang represent 80% or more of the total population and in the third they represent only 2% of the total population. The difference is that the two cantons with high Fang percentages are linked to the Woleu-Ntem by a river and a road while the other has no such link. In the sixteen cantons of Woleu-Ntem plus the eight cantons in adjacent regions which constitute the Heartland there are 70,0 00 Fang out of a total Fang population in Gabon of 106,000. On the basis of settlement patterns 66% of the Fang are, therefore, non-mobilized. Their contacts are almost exclusively with other Fang.Table I indicates that over half the Gabonese have no contact with people of tribes different from their own. Not ail the tribes of Gabon have Heartlands; of those who do have Heartlands 62% live in them. The total population of the country (14 and older) was approximately 285 000. 3 If the total population 1. Unless otherwise noted ail census figures refer to people 14 and older. 2. Recensement et enquete demographiques ic6o-ic6i: Resultats provisoires ensemble du Gabon, Service de Cooperation de l'Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes economiques, Paris, 1963, p. 24. 3. Ail the calculations, unless otherwise noted, are my own; they are based

Danshui Plant No.2

INTRODUCTION DANSHUI Plant No. 2 is located in southern China was a contract manufacturer that assembled electronic products for companies wishing to save labor costs. DANSHUI was getting a one-year contract with apple Inc. to assemble 2. 4 million iPhones. It was very anxious when in the first three months of the contract, the plant is unable to be assembled as many as the expected and its operating at a loss. The plant has had difficulty hiring enough workers despite raising wages to 35%.In addition, the process of assembling is complex and required almost entirely based on handwork by 325 workers, with 140 steps involving 100 components during 5 days. The DANSHUI controller considers preparing a â€Å"flexible budget† whether it is more useful to help them identify the misinterpreting their performance. Li also must analyze the currently static budget have been used and prepare a summary of monthly operations to identify what goes wrong in their operations that contribute t o the performance problems.If DANSHUI not analyzed the sources of problem and find the alternatives ways, it will contribute to disability in performing the contract and in the long term will lead to inefficiency of controlling the cost of materials, labor and overhead. This is in order to provide incentive to control all costs whether caused by use waste, damage theft or inefficiencies. ISSUE/PROBLEM DANSHUI Plant has faced an important issue, that is trying to solve the shortage of production line in the first three month and too caught up with the Apple IPhone 4 contract in the rest of the nine month.As we can know that after having report from the plant operation, DANSHUI Plant is not meeting with the targeted production line, with is shortage about 10% from the targeted amount. Although DANSHUI manage to produce up to 90% of the contract, but the shortage 10% has result DANSHUI to face loss about $672,000 rather than profit $100,000. For the first three month, DANSHUI have met the shortage of 10%. Therefore, DANSHUI Plant have to plan a strong strategic in order to catch up with the Apple iPhone 4 contract in the rest of the nine month.If the contract amount is not reach during the end of the contract, DANSHUI Plant will bear much higher cost than revenue that will result loss to this plant. After study the situation, we also find out that labor force and labor cost have contributed to this issue too. For the labor cost, DANSHUI Plant has result over budget in labor cost. As compare to the budgeted, this figure is higher and yet the target production has not reached. By raise the labor cost around 30%, DANSHUI Plant will need to increase the production line to cover the increment.And bear in mind that, DANSHUI only has nine months leave. Although DANSHUI Plant raises the labor price per hour, but we can observe that this did not help DANSHUI Plant to solve the shortage labor force much. Since DANSHUI Plant was built at the semi-skilled labor field, labor cost is cheap. DANSHUI Plant still cannot increase the number of labor force needed. The issue has contributed to the shortage in production line for the first three months. This is due to DANSHUI Plant is heavy rely on handwork by labor.DANSHUI Plant raise the labor price is to hire the qualified labor force to push up the production line. As we noted that DANSHUI Plant has only nine months to ensure everything in targeted and also cover the difference at the early three months. As the production line is based on handwork, the component import is easy damaged. Large number of materials needs to replace from that. Therefore a high skilled level labor forces can help to reduce this problem. CONCEPTS AND STRATEGIESBefore proceed with the strategies or concepts, our group have analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of DANSHUI in order to know which strategy DANSHUI should go for. Based on the case, we know that DANSHUI strength is they has had the opportunity to get contract from Apple because of the trust and by having cheap labor cost that giving them an advantage compare to their competitor. While the DANSHUI weaknesses is the labor cost. DANSHUI wish to save the labor cost by paying their labor less than one dollar an hour.They also have problem in finding enough qualified labor to match with their production even though they have raised their factory wages by almost 30% since July. This is why the plant is unable to assemble as many phones as expected and causes the operating at a loss. To overcome the problem regarding to the plant has performed so poorly in the three consecutive months, DANSHUI have to consider for strategic concept to enable the problems can be identified and resolved amicably.To achieve this, DANSHUI can consider the breakeven analysis to determine when a business will be able to cover all its expenses and begin to make a profit. This break-even analysis will shows the amount of revenue that need to be bring in to cover the expenses befor e a dime of profit have been made. For example, if DANSHUI can attain and surpass their break-even point, which mean that if they can easily bring in more than the amount of sales revenue they need to meet their expenses, then their business stands a good chance of making money.To perform a break-even analysis, DANSHUI have to make educated guesses about their expenses and revenues. Although DANSHUI did not have a crystal ball, they should do some serious research including an analysis of their market so that they can determine their projected sales volume and anticipated expenses. Based on the case, we know that DANSHUI is currently using the static budget to measure their performance. However, problem has occurred and the plant manager is considering using flexible budget to resolve the problem.Flexible budget is based upon different levels of activity. It is a very useful tool for comparing actual costs experienced to the cost allowable for the activity level achieved. It is also adjusts the static budget for the actual level of output. For example, if DANSHUI factory actually produce 200,000 units, then managements should compare actual factory costs for 200,000 units to what the factory should have spent to make 200,000 units, not to what the factory should have spent to make 180,000 units or any other production level.Furthermore, flexible budget distinguishes between fixed and variable cost, thereby allowing for a budget that can be automatically adjusted to the level of activity actually attained. In short, the flexible budget provides a better opportunity for planning and controlling than does a static budget. Furthermore, DANSHUI needed to apply the variance analysis to measure their business performance and to observe how well a business is performing and also how close actual costs and revenues are to expected costs and revenues.In accounting, a variance is defined as the difference between the expected amount and the actual amount of costs or reve nues. The purpose of this detailed information is to assist DANSHUI in determining what may have gone right or wrong and to help the company in future decision-making. RECOMMENDATION DANSHUI Company was in unfavorable performance by using standard cost budgeting system consequences of failing to achieve the 200,000 unit per month target. For the short term we recommend DANSHUI to change from using static budget system to the flexible budgeting system for evaluation process.Before this, Li was using static budget system to evaluate the operation performance, but the evaluation are not comparing relevant information when the actual quantity iPhone assemble are differ from the budget (180,000 unit vs 200,000 unit). By using flexible budget system will help DANSHUI to compare the result with adjustable budget and the variance show will more accurate show the operation performance. Using the static budget show variance is unfavorable USD 772,000 compare with USD 688,000 in flexible budge t system.Flexible budget systems also prove the unfavorable performance caused by the variance from variable cost which is USD 1,041,200. Therefore can analyze and evaluate the weakness in controlling the variable cost which is flash memory, assembly and packaging expenses. In long term period, DANSHUI have to overcome shortage in skilled worker by buy or rent a machine to replacing the man power in assembly the iPhone. In assembly process will involve 140 steps and almost all steps are based on handwork and the worker shortage is a barrier to achieve the target.With invest in new machine, DANSHUI can reduce the handwork task but have to appoint some skilled worker to operate the machine. Firstly, DANSHUI have to identify which step in operation can replace by machine. Then, find the relevant machine and analyze the price vs value. If they only want to use the machine for temporary, it is better for DANSHUI to rent rather than buy the machine. Other than that, DANSHUI can hiring mor e skilled staff or increase the total staff to assemble the 200,000 unit iPhone per month.DANSHUI must fulfill the contract with producing 2. 4 million in one year for the good relationship with Apple and for getting contract in future. Apple product also had good demand in current and future market, therefore DANSHUI have to take this opportunity to be the sub manufacture for Apple. In process getting new staff, DANSHUI also must maintain their existing staff because the existing staff already gain experience in 3 month operation of assembly iPhone 4 by increasing reward system.After getting the sufficient staffs, DANSHUI have to increase the monitoring and controlling system to reduce the reject product and also repairing cost. CONCLUSION As to wrapping up the discussion, we know that DANSHUI has had difficulty hiring enough workers despite raising wages to 35%. DANSHUI Plant has faced an important issue, that is trying to solve the shortage of production line in the first three m onth and too caught up with the Apple iPhone 4 contracts in the rest of the nine month.After having report from the plant operation, DANSHUI Plant is not meeting with the targeted production line, with is shortage about 10% from the targeted amount. Although DANSHUI manage to produce up to 90% of the contract, but the shortage 10% has result DANSHUI to face loss about $672,000 rather than profit $100,000. Therefore, we think that DANSHUI should do an analysis about company strengths, weakness and the opportunities and threats that DANSHUI might face in the future. Instead of doing the breakeven analysis, DANSHUI can consider using flexible budget to resolve the problem.DANSHUI needed to apply the variance in order to assist DANSHUI in determining what may have gone right or wrong and to help the company in future decision-making. For the short term period, we recommended DANSHUI to change from using static budget system to the flexible budgeting system for evaluation process. DANSUI have to overcome shortage in skilled worker by buy or rent a machine to replacing the man power in assembly the iPhone for the long term period and in the same time, DANSHUI can hiring more skilled staff or increase the total staff to assemble the 200,000 unit iPhone per month as well .REFERENCES i) How to Calculate Total Cost in Economics | eHow. com  http://www. ehow. com/how_6201642_calculate-total-cost-economics. html#ixzz2PryO0OD9 ii) http://www. google. com. my/#hl=ms&q=how++company+recognized+revenue+based+upon+FOB+contract%3F&oq=how++company+recognized+revenue+based+upon+FOB+contract%3F&gs_l=serp. 3†¦ 441582. 476078. 14. 477609. 57. 41. 0. 3. 3. 1. 1984. 10543. 12j13j7j3j1j1j1j1j1. 40. 0†¦ 0. 0†¦ 1c. 1. 8. serp. C6aJUxBdYKQ&bav=on. 2,or. &bvm=bv. 44770516,d. bmk&fp=944a8501217e5f2c&biw=1280&bih=699